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KATI RÁN - Unveils First Single From Upcoming Album; Featuring Gaahl And Mitch Harris

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Dutch artist and Nordic folk pioneer Kati Rán presents the new single "Stone Pillars". The single is taken from her brand new full-length entitled SÁLA, which will be out via Svart Records on the 24th of May. The track "Stone Pillars", written and performed by Kati Rán, explores new prophecies, stone circles, and the hand of the spinning Fates. Lyrically, "Stone Pillars" hints at the Icelandic oldest counsel tradition of the Allting, old Nordic Gods, and a prophecy by a female seer.

With Norwegian metal vocalist extraordinaire Gaahl (Gaahl, Wyrd, Wardruna) and Mitch Harris (Napalm Death) on backing vocals, Icelandic choir, and the resurrection of a rare lava stone marimba (Sígur Rós, Steindór Andersson) the new single "Stone Pillars" is deeply set in a Nordic landscape.

Kati Rán is known for her collaborative audio work for Netflix's tv series 'Vikings: Valhalla', films and work for videogames, her stage appearances with Wardruna, Myrkur and Gaahl's Wyrd to name a few, and her previous releases of the successful album; and Nordic dark folk tracks "Blodbylgje" and Icelandic track "Unnr | Mindbeach"; that run millions of streams and gathered a tightly knit Nordic Folk music loving audience around her.

Give a listen to "Stone Pillars" right below, and over HERE you can get more details together with a short docu-clip about the record. Link