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Descendants Of Cain - Conversations With Mirrors (2017)

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Band: Descendants Of Cain
Album title: Conversations With Mirrors
Release date: 21 April 2017
Label: Echozone

The British band centered around the mastermind and main songwriter DM Kruger, Descendants Of Cain, are after four years of silence since their previous album, Hell Bar Blues, returning to the scene maybe stronger than ever. Conversations With Mirrors is an album that explores so very different angles of dark atmospheric rock music that is almost impossible to properly describe it. This album, not only that is original, it also transcends the genre borders while keeping the primal atmosphere still very gothy and melancholic. Conversations With Mirrors consists of 11 very emotional songs with a lot of character. Kruger's deep, strong and highly emotive raspy voice gets under your skin pretty soon. As well the instrumental side of the album is exceptional, yes, there are still evident gothic rock elements, but in this versatile output there are found also alternative rock, trip hop, neo-classical, electronic, ambient, even prog-rock, blues and old school new wave variations that certainly add a lot of charm and uniqueness to this music.

Read a full review HERE