MelancholicA - Lamentation For A Deprived Desire (2012) - Review
- Details
- Published on Saturday, 23 March 2013 21:53
Band: MelancholicA
Album title: Lamentation For A Deprived Desire
Release date: 1 March 2012
Label: Cvlminis Records
01. Angel Of Distress
02. Dark Fortress
03. Goddess Of Darkness
04. Sorrow's Creation
05. Oath To Darkness
06. Sorrow Is Begun
07. Ignorance
08. Territory Of Sorrow
09. Gravestone Of Desire
10. Love Is A Way To Die
11. Wail My Sorrow (Call Me)
12. Letting The Cables Sleep
13. Thou, Whose Face Hath Felt The Winter's Wind (Sun Of The Sleepless cover - Bonus Track)
14. Territory Of Sorrow (With Drums - Bonus Track)
I know that is more than one year since the official release of this album, but how many times you can get a chance to listen and review an album that comes from an Iranian (!!!) band? You must be bold enough to name your band with such a strong name as MelancholicA, as with this comes a certain obligation to satisfy the lovers of melancholic music. I was a little bit worried about this, but when I finally found myself in the right mood to fall into these sounds it really took me into kind of depressive state that is hard to get out.
MelancholicA is a band founded by Afshin Effati who made almost everything present up here, still with help from some special guests who have given their part and the list of guests is long enough. As soon as the album starts you'll notice that there is no space for any light, only darkness and melancholy is present. After a short intro and really impressive gloomy atmospheres and orchestration on instrumental "Dark Fortress", the journey into some of the most obscure soundscapes begins. First eight tracks, done in a minimalistic way by usage of classical instruments like piano, violin, cello, with occasional drum insertions, some acoustic guitars, tiny distortions and synths to fulfill the atmosphere are kind of meditation or better said, like the album title suggests, an inner lamentation of deprived soul. Vocals are the only thing that connects this music with metal music, or better said black metal, though that can be considered just conditionaly, as the music is kind of neo classical, ambiental or atmospheric output. Everything is played smoothly and with certain somber feeling that must get your atention. Still don't expect some kind of virtuosity, but rather refined sense to create, play and compose sorrowful lines. Vocals are like painfull shouts, shrieks and screams of pain, used in a narrative way. Here and there it's noticeable that a huge influence to MelancholicA must be Pink Floyd, just listen for example to the beginning of "Sorrow's Creation" and later on the amazing ballad "Gravestone Of Desire", which is the only track up here that has different, rock composition. This one is sangt by Jouni Nikula of Requiem and resemblances with early Anathema and most subtle atmospheres of Pink Floyd are evident. I couldn't help but notice slight touch of Queensryche from Promised Land era. Psychotic mezzo-soprano and haunting female vocals on the next one "Love Is A Way To Die", sangt by Safa Serenity are so emotional and breathtaking that it's really sad that this are her only vocal lines up here, as they combine so well with the instrumentation. Sometimes cello lines reminds to Finnish Apocalyptica, but this is much more, very much more darker and bleak.
What follows is similar to what we witnessed on the beginning and really nicely leads the listener into the final tones, but before that there comes as a bonus surprise a cover of German ambient/black metal band Sun Of The Sleepless song "Thou, Whose Face Hath Felt The Winter's End". Everything ends with a version of "Territory Of Sorrow", with addition of drums, and surprisingly it sounds fantastic as it makes this track much stronger and somehow violent.
MelancholicA are not offering an easy listen, this is certainly not your everyday stuff. They can be even more depressive as most of so called suicidal depressive black metal bands, though I believe that the fans of just mentioned sub-genre could be those who will find the biggest pleasure in Lamentation For A Deprived Desire. I don't know if it's the enviroment or something else that inspired Afshim in this creation of something that holds the essence of what could be called "dark music". The only problem comes with production, but on the other hand it gives some kind of charm with its dirty unpolished sound. The band should also consider in the future to make a bit better album artwork, at least I'm suggesting this. Otherwise I'm almost sure that lovers of depressive and melancholic, yet very emotional and at the same time diabolical music should absolutely grab this.
"Tears of a dead shore, Defeated by my burning soul, Discovering all the things coming to know, Continuing to gather the ashes of my hope".
Review written by: T.V.
Rating: 8/10