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Neurotech - Decipher Vol.1 [EP] (2012) - Review

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Band: Neurotech
Album title: Decipher Vol.1
Release date: 22 April 2012
Label: Self-Released

   Decipher Vol.1 is the fourth studio instalment for this Slovenian cyber metal revelation. After Transhuman [EP] made in 2008 and last years full lenght straight forwarded Antagonist, which saw the band gain larger audience and becoming one of the most noticeable acts in metal genre coming from my country, we have had a great sonic experience with at the end of last year released superb epicness of Blue Screen Planet [EP] and only good four monts later this one. With Decipher Vol.1 we can hear that Neurotech are not satisfied with settling their music within the borders of specificif genre, but are expanding it into the territories not always close with trends inside this subgenre.
   The first track "The Cyber Waltz" already shows us with its beginning similarity and logical continuation from Blue Screen Planet. Symphonic, atmospheric and spacey synths combined with heavily distorded background guitars, well programmed drums, black and under effect vocals, plus occasionally danceable rhytms, ghastly pianos, freaky industrial electronics, everything combined into a surprisingly memorable opener. The second one "Damage Is Done" is in your face abundant cyber metal electronic agression with strong connection to their album Antagonist, while "Home" with nice piano sounds and Wulf screaming, surrounded by melancholic melodies: "where is the price to pay for the life you've thrown away, could you believe it is gone", takes you away with the flow. With already being into outer worlds there awaits the last one, "Below These Scars". The highlight of this record! Atmospheric masterpiece, with appearance of some clean vocals and all of those elements used before finishes to soon. With good approach to lyrics, questioning about the human kind purpose, pain, guilt,... talks even more about the seriousness of Neurotechs role in the musical schemes of today.
   Neurotech, actually the main composer Wulf must be in his creativity peak, creating atmospheric music which should appeal to larger audience and not only to those die hard fans of the genre.  I don't know what will be his next steps, but this is certain that the right structure is here and that Neurotech has reached its own musical identity, with last two ep's giving open doors even to some futuristic techno pop, gothic ambiances and all kinds of atmospheric, yet metal music. I can only add one tiny comment that (for me) it'll be much appreciated the use of a little more vocal diversity, like it's done on before mentioned last track "Below These Scars" or on previous ep Blue Screen Planet, and better, again vocal production should give one more dimension to the overall ambiance. And of course, this time also the cover artwork done by Artur Felicijan (Dekadent) is better than everything they put on the first page before. Strongly recommended! Name your price download from their bandcamp page: here!

Review written by: T.V.
Rating: 8/10