Abigor – Leytmotif Luzifer: The Seven Temptations Of Man (2014) - Review
- Details
- Published on Friday, 26 September 2014 13:35
Band: Abigor
Album: Leytmotif Luzifer: The Seven Temptations Of Man
Release date: 11 July 2014
Label: Avantgarde Music
01. Ego
02. Statsis
03. Akrasia
04. Indulgence
05. Neglect
06. Compos Mentis
07. Excessus
Getting around the new release by the Austrian black metal duo Abigor was a drive down the memory lane for me. Many, many years ago when I first started to explore the realms of black metal, Abigor was one of the first bands I ever encountered, so I always feel a bit nostalgic (in a very good way) when they cross my musical path. Formed in 1993, Abigor hasn't had it all smooth, as they disbanded in 2003, but luckily rose from the ashes back in 2006 as a duet, consisting of Thomas "TT" Tannenberger and Peter "Virus 666" Kubik. For this occasion, they joined forces with a former band mate, very well known to black metallers: Michael "Silenius" Gregor, who is probably most know for his notable work with another Austrian black metal outfit – the masters of Tolkien inspired atmospheric black metal band Summoning.
Leytmotif Luzifer is Abigor's 8th full length studio release, which delivers seven sinful temptations. But these temptations are nothing alike seven deadly sins, we all ought to be afraid of; these temptations will lure you into their world and you will slowly unveil each and every one of them with joy and passion. Yes, the temptations are the leitmotif and Lucifer is holding all the strings in his hands and you will dance as a puppet, in whatever ways he will want you to. The opening "Ego" is a spectacular grand opening into a world of pure, conventional black metal with straightforward and clean guitar riffs and blasting drumming. Stripped off all effects, Abigor went to the very roots and maximized their potential to the fullest. Each and every songs holds incredible dynamics and very smoothly executed passages between different fragments of the songs, creating truly a primordial, sinister atmosphere. Choosing Silenius as a vocalist could not be a better decision, since his vocals really bring the final touch to the songs. Going from vile growls to haunting screams and malice whispers, passing also into almost operatic baritone, he delivered 110% and proven what a versatile vocalist he really is. Lucifer will take you on a wild ride and drive you to the verge of insanity with "Akrasia" and throw you into the abyss of hell with the mid-tempo masterpiece "Indulgence". And once you've passed the six temptations and hope you made it through alive, a grandiose closure "Excessus" will engulf you even deeper. More than 11 minutes in length, this track is a truly grandiose closure; a roller coaster ride through a wide palette of different soundscapes: agonizing, sinister and so heavily obscure. Within the 11 minutes, you will get the feeling something evil's lurking from the dark and you'd better watch your back.
Leytmotif Luzifer has everything a good black metal album needs: deranged guitar riffs, fast-paced drumming, smooth tempo passages, haunting vocals, great production, versatility and deeply deranged and gloomy, malice atmosphere, delivered by every single track. Abigor have proven once again they, they are talented and skilled musicians, who are not to be messed with and that after all these years, they are still full of ideas and stronger than even. A stellar album, worthy of your attention and definitely the best Abigor release of this millennium.
Review written by: Ines
Rating: 8,5/10