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Mist Of Dead End - Never Explain Anything [EP] (2015) - Review

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Band: Mist Of Dead End
Album title: Never Explain Anything [EP]
Release date: 21 December 2015
Label: Mislealia Records

01. The Depths
02. Summerfrost
03. Dr Schreber
04. Patient Zero
05. Artefact
06. Tcafetra

The highly anticipated debut EP from French combo Mist Of Dead End is finally released! Since the beginning of 2014 the band teased us with two appetizing singles, "Summerfrost" and "The Depths", both also featured on this release and I believe that most of you, our dear readers, know this two tracks very well. Now, after a couple of line-up changes the band presents with other tracks even more versatile and developed sound that is by all means very hard to be properly categorized. Mist Of Dead End, who were formed back in 2013 by Benjamin Marmier (Mils, Wäks, Chokhmah), are toying with several sounds, from post-rock, metal, industrial, gothic, cold wave and yet much more. In lyrics they are preaching about post apocalyptic world and are hugely influenced by HP Lovecraft writings. Everything results in a very dramatic, gloomy and adventurous output.

On Never Explain Anything you'll find six tracks with a total timing around 25 minutes and believe me that those are minutes that you won't even know when will pass. The band managed to create such a captivating, highly turbulent and dynamic sound which reaches its peak in the magnificient upbeat and dense driver "Patient Zero". But not only this one, also before mentioned first two tracks are nothing but a testimony of a talented band where nothing is left to coincidence. Arnaud Sintes is one hell of a singer, his voice is dynamic, powerful, deep and yet emotional in a way, just listen how he sings in a fantastic closer "Tcafetra". I was blown away by very powerful and technical drumming, heavy melodic guitars, vibrant bass lines and well inserted electronics that make sound rich, modern and multidimensional. One of the best examples of Mist Of Dead End' versatile character is the atmospheric, almost industrial ambiental dark intermezzo "Artefact", which adds a lot to dramatic structure of this EP.

It's somehow unnecessary to make a list of influences that could be heard in Mist Of Dead End' sound, but still I can't get rid of a feeling that on many places I hear a strong impact of Paradise Lost's Symbol Of Life, Samael's Solar Soul, In Flames' last couple of albums, Katatonia's Viva Emptiness, maybe even a slight touch of Korn, Killing Joke, Cult Of Luna, Voivod, plus of course a whole bunch of post-rock and industrial bands. Mist Of Dead End are fortunately masters in experimenting with all those sounds and the final output is surprisingly very original and unique. All of the compositions are perfectly balanced, there are no boring parts and the band must be regarded for making such a flowing and catchy soundscape.

Never Explain Anything is a combination of modernity and classic rock/metal, in its essence is a very dark unit of adventurous and multifarious songs. It also shines because of the amazing production done by Drop (Samael, Sybreed,...), that adds a lot of depth and energy to the overall sound. Mist Of Dead End are in my opinion one of the most promising bands coming from France right now and in my opinion it wouldn't be such a surprise if they will became soon one of the most recognizable acts from their country, they certainly deserve this. All in all, Never Explain Anything is a stunning debut release for Mist Of Dead End and I can't wait for the full-lenght, hope it comes soon. Highly recommended!

Review written by: T.V.
Rating: 8,5/10