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Grimrik - Die Mauern Der Nacht - (2016) - Review

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Band name: Grimrik
Album title: Die Mauern der Nacht
Release date: 21 October 2015
Label: Deivlforst Records

01. Im Nebel
02. Teleportiert (Exposition)
03. Durch Das Schwarze Loch
04. Teleportiert (Reprise)
05. Ankunft
06. Der Erste Kontakt
07. Vor Dem Sprung
08. Im Freien Fall
09. Die Magische Leere
10. Vorsichtige Schritte
11. Letzte Zweifel
12. Erkenntnis
13. Erlösung

Grimrik returns with his latest installment to the dungeon synth genre after his solo debut last year, Eisreich. We are again treated with another glorious addition to the genre with Die Mauern Der Nacht. Where Eisreich covered a more sedated and polar theme, perfect for closing the eyes and imagining oneself in the midst of an icy storm high in the mountains of some northern haunt, Die Mauern Der Nacht ascends into the stellar realms of consciousness. We are transported into deep space, leaving all sense of gravity and worldly pleasures or fears behind. Grimrik indeed adds a whole new dimension to the genre of dungeon synth, taking it by storm and leaving the listener begging for more of this particular variety of sound. Separated into three chapters yet flowing as a seamless whole from beginning to end, Die Mauern der Nacht holds the listener tight allowing them to focus their third-eye on interstellar expanses of reality.

In Chapter I: Auf In Eine Neue Dimension (On To A New Dimension in English) Grimrik presents a slow ebb and flow of soundscapes. "Im Nebel" sets the scene, giving a sense of a foggy Earthly atmosphere with a slow rolling drone that builds into a synth-laden riff which can't help but conjure thoughts of the opening track to some mystical 80s horror film by the likes of Dario Argento. This dark and mystical vibe waxes and wanes throughout the following tracks as we seem to take to the skies in "Teleportiert (Exposition)" a track with heavy synth and distorted guitar drones. Its successor "Durch Das Schwarze Loch" is a sort of bridge into "Teleportiert (Reprise)" one of the most memorable parts of the album with its catchy synth lead and energetic percussion. "Ankunft" closes out the first chapter with a more eerie feel and a sense of foreboding.

Chapter II: Die Mauern Der Nacht (The Walls Of Night) makes the first contact with some otherworldly lifeforms on "Der Erste Kontakt", a track which showcases some of the more traditional dungeon synth vibes found on this album. "Vor Dem Sprung" has a very light-hearted and celestial feel, allowing the listener to become fully immersed in this stellar dream world Grimrik has created. As on the previous chapter's close, "Im Freien Fall" reintroduces prevalent synths to the forefront with a well-paced percussion, keeping a consistency yet surely entering new uncharted realms of space and inner consciousness.

The final chapter, Hinter Den Mauern Der Nacht (Beyond The Walls Of Night) is the triumphant five track closing to this interstellar adventure. "Die Magische Leere" is a short preface with a creepy and thought provoking feel. Slow rolling drone-like synths lay the groundwork giving way to "Vorsichtige Schritte", "Letzte Zweifel" and "Erkenntnis" three more tracks which seem the closest to touching on a more traditional dungeon synth style. Dark and slow moving they capture the soul holding us in suspense for the grand finale. "Erlosung" brings Die Mauern Der Nacht to a triumphant close starting slowly and calmly much like the rest of this final chapter, yet in the second half as percussion enters the mix for the final time Grimrik allows the stars to shine the brightest. A catchy and almost new-age like drum-line gives way to a fantastic guitar solo by Dan Capp, the man also responsible for the gorgeous album artwork.

By all accounts Grimrik has taken the dungeon synth genre to a new level of existence with Die Mauern Der Nacht. His many influences and previous musical endeavors all lend themselves to making this album wholly unique and a breakthrough addition to the catalog of albums in a genre where we are rarely caught by surprise. Grimrik boldly steps into new realms of existence here and masterfully brings the audience along with him for a journey that should not be missed. I would happily recommend this album to any fan of dark and/or spacey music in general. The originality and attention to detail becomes more apparent with each play-through and certainly won't go stale over time.

Review written by: Michael
Rating: 9/10