Dawn Of Winter - The Skull Of The Sorcerer [EP] (2012) - Review
- Details
- Published on Tuesday, 30 October 2012 00:19
Band: Dawn Of Winter
Album title: The Skull Of The Sorcerer [EP]
Release date: 2 November 2012
Label: Cyclone Empire
01. Dagon's Blood
02. The Skull Of The Sorcerer
03. By The Blessing Of Death
04. In Servitude To Destiny
I'm sure that all fans of doom music are familiar with German Dawn Of Winter. The band was formed back in 1990 and till today released only two full lenght albums and two EP's. Now, to celebrate their 22nd anniversary they recorded this four songs and released them under the name The Skull Of The Sorcerer. So, what this EP brings...
Four tracks featured on this record are nothing else than a hommage to their influences. Crushing bass leads the way, tuned down guitars with occasional solos offer some nice moments, I must mention also really impressive drumming in the true doom form. The pace is slow, some tempo changes work uplifting. Dawn Of Winter offers nothing new, contrary they offer old school doom which in their case combines rough, early Black Sabbath or Pentagram sounds with epic doom metal in the vein of early Candlemass or even Solitude Aeturnus. Rough production gives the special flavour that takes us back in time. I was impressed with the second epic track "The Skull Of The Sorcerer" as it gives everything what I mentioned before and what a true doom fan wants. In this tune you can find a lot of resemblances with before mentioned Candlemass, but also some really heavy guitars that could be compared to those of Iommi in the early era of Sabbath or maybe even to some Saint Vitus vibes. Classic heavy metal insertions in not that good, rather boring opener "Dagon's Blood" must have something to do with the fact that some members come from heavy/power metal band Sacred Steel. Yes, Dawn Of Winter don't want to make anything new, they don't want to sound modern and last two songs, rather annoying candlemassian "By The Blessing Of Death", ruined by; otherwise experienced singer Gerrit P. Mutz (also in Sacred Steel) who moves smoothly between high, deep and harsher vocal tonalities, with sometimes too much German accented English; poor vocal lines, and last one, interesting, rather melancholic, semi doom metal ballad "In Servitude To Destiny", with, this time massive vocal performance and great acoustic beginning, plus guitar solo at the end of it are a definitive proof for that. I could say that this band is a rare true underground from many points of view. First is the sole performance, attitude, then production, and at last I must mention that this EP comes only on vinyl edition in 500 numbered copies, no digital release, no CD release for now.
All true doom maniacs should not leave this release to pass by, because I'm sure that it can be interesting and gives a right dose of nostalgia to all those who are still longing after the early days of doom. Still I must be honest and say that out there are bands who are performing the same style more, how to say, interesting? If nothing else then this EP is a nice hommage to big acts who defined this genre and if you like before mentioned bands, then you can't fail.
Review written by: T.V.
Rating: 7/10