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Murdryck - Antologi MMXV (2016) - Review

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Band: Murdryck
Album title: Antologi MMXV
Release date: 14 February 2016
Label: Black Lion Productions

01. Intro - The Sombre Angel
02. As The Moon Bleeds...
03. The Ascension
04. Swallowed By The Ages
05. Slaves Under A Dying Sun
06. Metamorphosis
07. Blood On The King's Hands
08. Hymnens Svarta Toner
09. Under Torn Constellations
10. Throne Of Shattered Divinity

Murdryck is a band that comes from Sweden and Antologi MMXV is their debut album released by rapidly growing underground extreme metal label Black Lion Productions. Antologi MMXV offers an almost lethal dose of technical black metal, which is yet melodic, with nice symphonic and atmospheric sound, but as well there are plenty of other influences taken from other genres like death metal, thrash metal and partially also doom metal.

Personally I really like this album and I will try to describe in the following lines why is it so with a short description of every track. Those crazy Scandinavians already with the dark keyboard driven intro, "The Sombre Angel", brings kind of a desire to explore further what follows. "As The Moon Bleeds..." already in the beginning comes forth with some extreme blast beats and the great guitar sound must give you heart sinks. Later on the pace slows down a bit, but a brilliant technical bass lines accompanied by angry and aggressive vocals must be appreciated. Such a fast pace from the beginning is also reflected in the last part of it. Guitar riffs are throughout strong, solid and super smooth. The next one, "The Ascension", is based mainly on shrieking vocals, which is here the main core and it dictates this mad tempo. The rhythm section is intense throughout the music and a very nice surprise comes with the acoustic closure. "Swallowed By The Ages" is much slower and melodic than the previous songs and you can feel even more power here in the vocals and lyrical expression. Music offers a lot of short interruptions until the last part when the song develops the speed. On a couple of segments you can hear the sound of a bass guitar almost as if hornets flew past the ears.

"Slaves Under A Dying Sun" is an extremely fast and melodic song, with really mad drums, great guitar riffs. In the second half it gets a bit more quiet, deep and emotional, at the very limits of doom metal. "Metamorphosis" gets closest to my heart, it's simple, emotional and offers us a small part of old school character from the 90s. "Blood On The King's Hand's" starts with the introduction in Swedish language, and then a shotgun starts noisy and atmospheric black metal music. You are simply forced to give a careful listen to the whole song as it offers some pretty magical twists and elements. As well the song "Hymnes Svarta Toner" starts with the text in Swedish language and vocalists proportions here show their full character. "Under Torn Consellations" with the gloomy keyboards at the beginning and sympathetic tone literally softens up the atmosphere. The song offers some very deep feelings and slow first rhythms are gradually increasing and accelerating. Some parts of this track are a prime example of how blackened death metal should sound. Finally we are left with the epic "Throne Of Shattered Divinity" which is the longest song on the album. This song deserves the highest rating, there's so much going on.

Murdryck did a great debut album and I strongly suggest you to check this band out. Also I must congratulate the guys at Black Lion Productions, who have found out some great bands and released some really quality done albums in a short period of time, thus made a huge contribution to the black metal scene.

Review written by: Imago Mortis
Rating: 8/10

Disclaimer: This is a guest review and it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the Terra Relicta staff.