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Lambs - Betrayed From Birth [EP] (2015) - Review

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Band: Lambs
Album title: Betrayed From Birth [EP]
Release date: 1 September 2015
Label: Drown Within Records

01. Fear Is Your Key
02. You Will Follow Me Down
03. And Your Time Will Be Collapsed

Betrayed From Birth, already the title of this release says a lot, and points out with what kind of a band we are dealing with. These guys from Cesena (Italy) are straight to the point in what they want to express. There is no prevalent genre here, but a very peculiar mix that doesn't sound just as a rough puzzle, every single influence is implemented in a good way and pops out very well. Range of influences is wide and it comes from very distant worlds, like is the new wave of black metal (partially they remind me to French blackened hardcore act Celeste a bit, who are by the way such an awesome band), to post-hardcore and sludge. Music wise there is a good articulation and complexity, it's distressing and all of the tracks bear kind of an evil sound. These guys express very well the lyrical content through their music and the general mood. Lyrics are very deep and powerfull, they did a great job here and the way music and lyrics works is very concrete. The production on this demo/EP is unique, despite the black metal philosophy, there is a good choice in sound and way of playing, but still they are keeping all the grimness alive as much as possible, as every crust/black metal band should do.

The picture on the front cover artwork at first sight feels just like a conventional goat, but with a proper thorough view, in relation with the lyrics, the artwork is a sort of map, very cool and thoughtful, I enjoyed it a lot. Three songs demo/EP's with this kind of consistency are very rare, these guys are very good in what they are doing, and it's not a surprise that Drown Within Records inked a deal with them very quickly after Lambs released this tracks as a demo and soon re-released it under their roof available as an EP.

Review written by: Tank
Rating: 8/10

Disclaimer: This is a guest review and it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the Terra Relicta staff.