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Funus - Adrift Alone (2016) - Review

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Band: Funus
Album title: Adrift Alone
Release date: 30 April 2016
Label: Self-Released

1. A Mind To Break
2. My Hate For You
3. Rosefield Road
4. Adrift Alone
5. Grey Sun

Funus is a band hailing from the depths of The Netherlands and their music can be described as a dark atmospheric journey through the abyss, though quoted or referred as psychedelic doom this was just something I had to check out. Adrift Alone is their second full lenght after the self-titled debut which was released back in 2009. To describe the whole album is a bit tricky because there are so many influences implemented into it.

The first track named "A Mind To Break" has a very dark ambient feel to it, with that they top it with blistering double bass and furius vocals. The music stands on itself transporting the listeners into a trance of dark nightmares, the music plays a nice tribute to the dsbm scene despite the fact the band is nothing like a dsbm band instead of that they're building the song foundation on heavy drums and dark guitar tunes. Lyrical wise it's an interesting concept with story about loss and greif. The second track, "My Hate For You", however fits into the category doom and with slow paced glommy riffs they build up a solid wall of guitars.

The drums never really go outside its own structure of some typical doom bands, there are some tendencies to go wild and make groovy parts, but this drummer simply keeps its steady and slow, when needed it builds up the whole song giving it more depth... The album has a tone and structure which reminds of the erie cold atmosphere which reminds me to the older stuff of Shining.

The overall sound on on the album is most of all a nice blend of black metal and doom metal, really well mixed into the whole spectrum, partly it has that vibe of classic norwegian black metal sound while still keeping the style more doom oriented. Sometimes find it a bit hard to grasp everything, they do a hell of a good job making it all fit. The best way to sum up everything on this album is to say it's a dark morbid story that never ends raging up and down between the stages of grief, sorrow and depression. The album is a clear 6 out of 10 for me, I personally would like to hear slightly more doom orientation in it but hey these guy do a great job anyway and I recommend everyone to check out Funus if you are into black metal and doom in the vein of early Shining.

Review written by: Oliver
Rating: 6/10

Disclaimer: This is a guest review and it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the Terra Relicta staff.