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Zornheym - The Opposed [Single] (2016) - Review

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Band: Zornheym
Album title: The Opposed [Single]
Release date: 19 August 2016
Label: Non Serviam Records

01. The Oppossed

Zornheym is a new symphonic extreme metal musical project founded by multi-instrumentalist Tomas aka Zorn, known as a former member of death/thrash metallers Devian and a guitarist in hardcore combo Aktiv Dödshjälp. In here he's accompanied by vocalist Bendler, guitarist Scucca and drummer Angst. The single "The Oppossed" is taken right from their debut album which is expected to be released soon on Dutch legendary label Non Serviam Records and if you are not familiar with this label you'll better check it out, I can assure you that they are at the moment one of the most promising labels of extreme metal scene.

The song has a very clear path and never really gets muddy. One could compare this epic masterpiece to bands such as SepticFlesh or Naglfar, those two are the first that comes to mind, as well there are some resemblances with dutch black metal masters Carach Angren.

From what I understand on the album there will actually be a real choir singing and performing on this record which really isn't that common today. However Zornheym aspire to be different and unique while still making sure that the listeners feels like they found the right mix of different bands, so if you enjoy the bands mentioned above then Zornheym is a band that will fall right into your taste. It's that brilliant, the song is carefully constructed with the thought of actually letting the music breath rather than drowning everything in sea of strings...

What more to say, there are so many different ways to describe "The Oppossed" and I could go on and on with blabering about how epic, haunting and atmospheric this song is. I always find it hard to put to words how I feel about some songs, but to put things nicely it's one hell of a single and without doubt it's a great foretaste of what will be for sure an amazing album.

Review written by: Oliver
Rating: 9/10

Disclaimer: This is a guest review and it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the Terra Relicta staff.