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Golden Apes - Riot (2012) - Review

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Band: Golden Apes
Album title: Riot
Release date: 30 November 2012
Label: AF-music

01. Prelude
02. Devil
03. Torment
04. Vengeance
05. Heart´s Corrosion
06. Prudence
07. White Days
08. Pieces
09. (The Lights Of) Venus
10. Animae
11. The Happy Losers Sweet Delusions
12. Riot

Judging from bands name and especially from album title I would never consider this to be a gothic rock release if I didn't know this band from before. Probaly Riot has something to do with everything that's going on in the society right now in those insecure times. Anyway, this is seventh studio album from this German band and first for their new label AF-music. There is a new member behind the keys, but the main core of this six piece remains the same. Unfortunately the band didn't get the proper recognition as they deserve in the past and I hope that Riot will be a kind of breakthrough for Golden Apes.
Those Germans showed their talent for crafting beautiful melodies and melancholic arrangements before, but something was missing, maybe a bit more of generic approach that is noticeable here on Riot. If I compare this release with previous Denying The Towers Our Words Are Falling From... released in 2010, I could sense an orientation more towards alternative rock sounds and certainly the sound is more straight forward than before, yet it remains gothic rock from all the aspects. Golden Apes are skilled musicians and I enjoyed their amazing performance on this album. The sound is mostly compact and the atmospheres are slowly built till reaching the main climax, just listen to beautiful "Heart's Corrosion", "Torment" or amazing semi acoustic ballad "White Days". The atmosphere made by smooth and gloomy keys is outstanding, just how it fills up the last gap that remains unfullfiled with sensous and unpretentious sound. The guitar work is another thing that mustn't be unnoted, the example are straight rockers like "Pieces" or punkish vibed "Prudence", both guitarists show their great talent, so be it when acoustic parts take their role as on guitar driven rock melodies. Instrumental part of this album is impressive, really, even the piano sounds and string orchestrations are inserted very well. On interlude instrumental "Animae" we can hear in the background some sounds that are similar to hammond and on almost epic nine minutes long last album title song "Riot" some backing vocals from Sol of Spanish gothsters The Eternal Fall. The final colour on this canvas are deep and emotional vocals from the singer Peer Lebrecht, who is also responsible for thoughtful lyrics that accompany the sole music. Among those thirteen songs I can't help but notice some fillers, like a bit annoying alternative "Lithium". All in all Riot is running smoothly, the only problem is that it could became slightly repetituous, but I can excuse this as the listeners can pick out some amazing songs to make his day and I believe that this album will warm up many gothic rockers hearts. There is no need to write down the names of bands and artists who influenced Golden Apes sound, they stick to the heritage of gothic rock from 80's and 90's, but their formula is modern enough. With special unobtrusive drive, compact dark, emotional and melancholic sound, good production and professional musicianship this is another highlight of gothic rock released this year. I'm more than satisfied also with the fact that the band didn't used that much of electronics to make their sound richer, like many of newcomers do today.
The guys from AF-music label did a right job to sign this group and I hope that they'll finally get the deserved attention from fans and media. It'll be also interesting to see how they cope to perform those songs on live shows, because I believe that some of them might be real killers when played well and with right sound and special atmosphere. Another dark and melancholic gem, that is highly recommended for everyone who's searching out for some deep and professionally executed music.

Review written by: T.V.
Rating: 8/10