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Svartsyn - In Death (2017) - Review

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Band: Svartsyn
Album title: In Death
Release date: 09 June 2017
Label: Agonia Records

01. Seven Headed Snake
02. Dark Prophet
03. With Death
04. The White Mask
05. Wilderness Of The Soul
06. Black Thrones Of Death
07. Exile In Death

One of the cult names in the black metal music underground, the Swedish band Svartsyn, released their eighth full-length album entitled In Death by Agonia Records. More than two decades of loyalty and quality to the dark side of music, with each release that has maintained the harsh intensity of the genre. Svartsyn formed in early 90s by Ornias the mastermind behind almost everything related and Tormentor, under the name Chalice. The name of the band change to Svartsyn in 1993, same year that Tormentor left. In 1996 came the first full-length, The True Legend, same year that Draugen (drums) of Dark Funeral joined the band.

In the beginning Svartsyn followed the same line of other so called second wave of black metal bands, but with Wrath Upon The Earth from 2011 and Black Testament from 2013, albums that contain loads of brutal and dark attacks, went ahead on different paths. In Death is another remarkable and highly addictive version of Svartsyn that penetrates the mind from the start to the end and let me wish for more of it.
A very thick atmosphere wraps the instruments that show numerous blasting beats, the guitar and drums perfectly intertwine to create a bright overwhelming whirlwind. This is a massively maleficent album. Ornias vocals with higher pitched shrieks frosted my spine with his entropic violent lyrics. Hammerman surpress himself with a powerful drumming, yet I can say that you'll hardly find such superb drummer in any other black metal band. Featuring fast and mid-paced tempos, a dynamic melody inflicted into brutal darkness reminds me of ancient times of Marduk, Mayhem and Darkthrone

“Seven Headed Snake” is a massive wave that engulfed myself, and together with “Dark Prophet” and “With Death”, these are the most powerful and vicious songs on the album. No rubbish, just a wall of guitar riffs, an insidious bass and a punishing drums along with a vocal that not just inflicts the pain, but you'll most certainly feel it in your inner organs. “The White Mask” and “Exile In Death” shows the guitars as crushing massacres with mid-section, the tracks alternate throughout massive riffs and standard tremolo picking. Another straight-ahead track for me is “Black Thrones Of Death”, a mid-paced piece that grows faster to a stupendous grand finale.

In Death is a thick and somber album, it's impossible not to drown in darkness with it. Almost 50 minutes of pure blackened joy. Once again, it's a great Svartsyn's album that keeps me close to the old school traditions without a fall into a boring repetition, instead, it's once again out of the route of boredom, it's demonic. Svartsyn is recommended for wise black metal fans who miss the second wave but are also tired of numerous clones.

Review written by: Felin Frost
Rating: 8,5/10