Aeonian Sorrow - Into The Eternity A Moment We Are (2018) - Review
- Details
- Published on Monday, 19 March 2018 00:10
Band: Aeonian Sorrow
Album title: Into The Eternity A Moment We Are
Release date: 11 April 2018
Label: Self-Released
01. Forever Misery
02. Shadows Mourn
03. Under The Light
04. Memory Of Love
05. Thanatos Kyrie
06. Insendia
07. The Wind Of Silence
08. Ave End
The Finnish/Greek melodic/atmospheric doom/death metal band Aeonian Sorrow was formed by the female singer/songwriter Gogo Melone in September 2015 and is about to release their debut album. Gogo is accompanied by some renowned musicians like are drummer Saku Moilanen (Red Moon Architect), vocalist Alejandro Lotero (Exgenesis), guitarist Taneli Jämsä (Ghost Voyage, Hukutus) and bassist Pyry Hanski (Mörbid Vomit, Before The Dawn,...). Soon after the creation the band started its journey into the world of sorrow in order to start writing materials for their first album.
Into The Eternity A Moment We Are brings us eight beautiful melancholic tunes and if you are familiar with bands like Swallow The sun or Red Moon Architect then you know what you are in for. Aeonian Sorrow shares all the typical trademark styles of Finnish doom metal but also has the ability to stand on its own. This is indeed not just another doom record but a very great step towards bigger things. Melodic and fragrant are perhaps two words that best describe this album, going from raging mid tempos to utter slow down tempo.
One thing that I find interesting is that every Finnish doom band seems to go for the same patterns on each record, the same regards to the vocals, nothing wrong with that, but it does sometimes feel like you are hearing the same band over and over again. The production is what you expect from a Finnish band, that warm fuzzy guitar tone that seems to haunt every doom metal band from Finland. Although it's not too much of a coincidence since they worked with the same producer that worked already with bands like Wolfheart, Red Moon Architect, etc. I always thought there are some things in common with Wolfheart already when I first heard this album.
To sum up the album, it’s a beautiful melodic doom/death record with that Finnish melancholy inherited in there. It was composed and produced by musicans who surely know their craft, there's no doubt about that. Into The Eternity A Moment We Are is and will be a gem, I can easily say that it's one of the best doom metal albums released so far in 2018. I was quite surprised about it, despite sometimes it's feeling a bit repetitive, the listeners will get what they want and if you’re like me a total doom lover despite origin, this album will become a must have in your doom collection. Be sure to keep an eye on this release!
Review written by: Oliver
Rating: 7,5/10