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Evoken - Hypnagogia (2018) - Review

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Band: Evoken
Album title: Hypnagogia
Release date: 9 November 2018
Label: Profound Lore Records

01. The Fear Inside   
02. Valorous Consternation
03. Schadenfreude
04. Too Feign Ebullience
05. Hypnagogia
06. Ceremony Of Bleeding
07. Hypnopompic
08. The Weald Of Perished Men

At last the American cult act Evoken returns to the funeral doom scene with their new album Hypnagogia, six long years after their latest album Atra Mors. Evoken is known as the forefathers of death doom/funeral doom and with their new record they stay true to their roots, which has always been deeply oriented slow crushing riffs with a mysterious atmosphere surrounding the music.

Evoken creates a dark world of despair. I had great expectations because their legendary second album Quietus (2001) is one of my absolute favorite albums and indeed I was not disappointed when I started listening to the sonic monolith called Hypnagogia.

I consider Hypnagogia as one of the bands finest contributions untill now. I like their straight forward sound yet leaving room for more melodies and synthesisers, that always helped to achive that eerie sound that Evoken is known to be able to create. The beautiful guitar harmonies go perfectly in line with the lovely gloomy synths and even with the violins.

To be able to appriciate the quality of the album you have to take your time and really listen over and over again. If you do so you are soon brought back into the old slow drone sound that we have come to love long ago in case of this band. It took me a good week to really sit down and listen to this album, and when you really take your time and listen properly to it you can hear that the good old Quietus feeling is back, but as well that Evoken came up with even more daring expression with a monument that will most likely be recognized as a landmark.

Review written by: Oliver
Rating: 8/10