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Dear Terra Relicta dark music web magazine and radio readers and listeners!

Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!



TANKS AND TEARS - Timewave Out Now

Italian darkwave/post-punk outfit Tanks And Tears is back with a compelling sophomore album, Timewave, a clear reflection on the importance of time and the cyclical nature of events. Preceded in recent weeks by the singles "Darkside" and "Timewave", the album was released on CD and digital platforms via Swiss Dark Nights Records.

Seven years since its debut, the band is back with a renewed sound, thanks to a recent addition to the lineup - keyboardist Lorenzo Cantini - and the limitations imposed by the last pandemic, forcing Matteo Cecchi (bass, synth, and vocals), Claudio Pinellini (guitar and synth), and Francesco Ciulli (drums) to work remotely. The result is an intense, introspective, and exciting album, appreciating nods to the electronic sounds of the 80s, beloved by the genre.

Simultaneously, it manages to convey a resounding sense of modernity. The rhythmic and powerful bass sequences (Roland SH-101), reminiscent of early Ministry or Nitzer Ebb, and played electronic drums (samples of 707, Linn, and Korg DDD-5) drive atmospheric and leaden synth layers. These serve as a backdrop to the post-punk-style guitar harmonies and captivating keyboard and synthesizer melodies.

Completing the picture are the troubled and melancholic lyrics, often in contrast with the bright melodic lines of the music, addressing delicate themes of self-isolation, atelophobia, depression, and the repetitiveness of events over time. It's a clear examination of contemporary issues in a darkwave context.

Tanks And Tears - Timewave... Link