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Enmarta - Sea Of Black (2015)

Band: Enmarta
Album title: Sea Of Black
Release date: 30 June 2015
Label: Cryo Chamber

Sea Of Black is the debut album for Enmarta and is a result of Siegfrid's four years long work, it's an exceptional dark ambient release and not only, once those elongated melacholic soundscapes start to penetrate your mind the whole new imagery of cinematic music opens up. Sea Of Black is a multifaceted album, it is composed with many layers of different elements that are well combined together into a flowing mass of sound based on dark ambient foundation, and Siegfrid's training and service in classical music leaves a deep mark on Enmarta's sound with. The fluent soundsapes are cohesively painting pictures of isolated castles and dark towers, but still the whole album is in contrast to some of the latest post-apocalyptic dark ambient releases as it offers a bit more gothic and sentimental toned sound. The melancholic and in a way depressive feeling of isolation is present all over, yet in this starkly cinematic atmosphere there are many parts where some soft and almost tender passages bring a bit of brightness and serve with gentle caresses. Enmarta's Sea Of Black enthuses with its diversity, bold insertions, well composed soundscapes, interesting ideas and most of all with its fluent deeply melancholic cinematic vibe. It offers a well flowing sonic journey that every fan of dark ambient should perceive.

Read a full review HERE