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Dawn Of Oblivion - Phoenix Rising (2015)

Band: Dawn Of Oblivion
Album title: Phoenix Rising
Release date: 25 April 2015
Label: M&A MusicArt

Phoenix Rising is a work that leads the listener through many different emotional, dark and mystical states, and thus serves with many musical variations all centered around deep gloomy and atmospheric gothic metal. Even though Dawn Of Oblivion don't discover any new territories soundwise, they carefully blend those typical 90s gothic metal lines, so familiar to the maestros of the genre like are Tiamat and Paradise Lost, with some guitar riffs used by Therion on Theli or Vovin, and to make the thing even more audacious and sinister they add a pinch of black metal and doom elements on a couple of occasions, but yet at the same time they don't forget that their heritage is in gothic rock. Many elements could resemble to The Sisters Of Mercy or even more to The Fields Of Nephilim. Still, some oriental vibes, like used in the miffed iconic goth metal piece "Anubis", or floydian ambiances in the emotional and soothing "Within The Realms Of The King Of Amur" that are similar to those used back then by Tiamat on Wildhoney or on A Deeper Kind Of Slumber make their sound special in many ways. Dawn Of Oblivion with this album showed that it's still possible to make astounding things within the gothic metal realms.

Read a full review HERE