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Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!

Alcest - Kodama (2016)

Band: Alcest
Album title: Kodama
Release date: 30 September 2016
Label: Prophecy Productions

If the band exlored almost every possible element of atmospheric metal and rock, going deep into dreamy pop gaze and before that seeking the evil essence in the most ambiental side of black metal, now everything is staggering, perfectly put together into this musical amalgam of stylistic maximalism that finds its drawing substantial inspiration from Japanese art and culture, more precisely in Hayao Miyazaki's anime film Princess Mononoke. Kodama is just another step in Alcest's never ceasing creative force, it's an album that needs a lot of consequent listens before being completely discovered in all its corners; it boasts with many dramatic subtleties, hidden layers, and to reach that state of mind, when this albums grabs you with its flow, you must be in certain mood, ready to enter this cultural, stylistic and compositional narrative thing that not only upholds the band's trailblazing legacy but actually makes you want to see where they go next.

Read a full review HERE