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Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!

Clouds - Departe (2016)

Band: Clouds
Album title: Departe
Release date: 1 November 2016
Label: Self-Released

Oh you bittersweet melancholy, how sweet is your cold embrace and how strong is your touch when you penetrate our hearts through music with such feeling of sadness. Is this happiness of being sad or just sadness that has taken on lightness, nevertheless, Clouds with their sophomore album will let the one who enters this world of pure emotion pouring through sound breath the atmosphere of sorrow in its purest form. Departe is without any doubt one of those albums that brings that necessary gloom and emotion into doom metal genre. When listening to Clouds is like to lose yourself in a grievous journey through paths of desolation, anguish and despair.

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