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Lacrimosa, one of the most influential acts in the gothic/symphonic metal/rock genre, and perhaps the most iconic one, as well, last year released its seminal 14th album - Leidenschaft - via its label Hall Of Sermon (read the review HERE). Thirty-one years ago, when Lacrimosa released its debut album Angst, the goth scene was almost shocked by its provocative, frantic and almost perverse, yet deeply emotional, minimalistic synth/piano-driven darkwave. Many things have changed since then, some also by Lacrimosa. Lacrimosa was one of the first bands that combined gothic with metal, flooded by classical orchestrations - remember its groundbreaking single "Schakal"? Many bands from the metal, as well from the gothic scene, followed its example. Gothic metal and symphonic metal became established music styles until the very day. Led by genius composer Tilo Wolff, joined by Anne Nurmi, Lacrimosa elaborated and improved its musical proficiency while staying independent from any major label from day one. Its latest masterpiece, Leidenschaft, was nominated by Terra Relicta web magazine for the best dark music album of 2021, and it took the title with a huge advantage. Lacrimosa takes with each album, with each song, and with each live show, the listener into another space and time; it's a world where passion meets perfection, pain meets salvation, black meets white, and darkness meets the guiding light of love. Now, welcome to read the interview with the Lacrimosa founder and mastermind Tilo Wolff!
Interview with: Tilo Wolff
Conducted by: Tomaz
Edited by: Jerneja
Tomaz: Hello Tilo and Anne, and thank you for accepting the interview request. Although Lacrimosa has been in our lives since its beginning, and Terra Relicta dark music web magazine will celebrate already its tenth anniversary in April, there is no interview with Lacrimosa to be found there. One was conducted by me in 2017, right before the release of the Testimonium album, though never published because never recorded in the first place due to technical issues. But here we are now, celebrating Testimonium's follower Leidenschaft, released on 24 December. Before we pursue this new masterpiece, let's tarry with numbers first. Lacrimosa celebrated its 31 anniversary in November, and a month later, it released its 14th album already. Lacrimosa's musical opus is amazing - regarding quality, quantity, and regularity; namely, you serve your new work approximately every second year, with only one lengthy hiatus between Lichtgestalt and Sehnsucht. Not many bands manage it, so how do you?
Tilo Wolff: It comes down to the fact that music is my life! I couldn't live without it! It means that I not only listen to music but also have the need to do music, it's like a language to me, and I don't want to live in silence! And I am so fascinated by the idea to be creative, to make something out of nothing, at least nothing that meets the eye. And after playing the guitar or sitting on the piano for a while, there is new music in the world. It is wonderful! I can never be halted from this fascination!
Tomaz: I've searched for Leidenschaft translation. The online dictionary drops "emotion" as the first hit, but you go with passion. Well, passion is an emotion, though specific one. But on the other hand, not that specific, since one can be passionate about almost everything. How is Leidenschaft?
Tilo Wolff: Yes, this word can hardly be translated. Passion is close, but still, in the German word "Leidenschaft", there is also included the word "Leiden", which means "suffering". The best description for Leidenschaft might be: to be on fire, to burn for something. It's pleasure and pain, the unbreakable need to penetrate something and get lost within it. To be extradited and to force this extradition. It's "Leidenschaft".
Tomaz: Any connection to the release date (Christmas Eve)?
Tilo Wolff: Actually, the reason for this release date was, that this album is something very special to me. To record this album was an unbelievable journey, it was nerve-wracking, exhausting, intoxicating, uplifting and sometimes devastating, and there were times when I could hardly believe that I would ever be able to finish the album. After it was completed, I was so thankful and happy that it felt like becoming the most wonderful present. Well, and this was the idea to bring it out on Christmas, a present for all Lacrimosa Lovers!
Tomaz: Leidenschaft is one of the most versatile Lacrimosa albums ever, yet there is some kind of a dualism inside each song. How do you look at it as the composer?
Tilo Wolff: Yes, every album is always a reflection of the personal state of the times in which they were created. Since my music is dependent on what's going on within me, they have this natural connection with each other on one hand, and on the other hand, they are dependent on the topic of their own inner core. This makes this dualism you are talking about. The reason for this might also be that there is no additional composer, no outside producer or anyone influencing the composition and production of the songs. This makes them pure.
Tomaz: It's an ungrateful job to compare any Lacrimosa albums since each is different. The same goes with the last two, Testimonium and Leidenschaft. While Testimonium was more bombastic, Leidenschaft is more emotional. Please tell me where do you see the main differences?
Tilo Wolff: Yes, Testimonium is very bombastic and partly angry and hopeless like the songs "Weltenbrand" or "Testimonium" itself, while Leidenschaft is, maybe except for "Kulturasche", a bit more balanced and elegant, yet a little more complex in the details. This is good heard when comparing the two storm songs "Nach dem Sturm" from the previous and "Führ mich nochmal in den Sturm" from the new album.
Tomaz: It's certainly a little less symphonic and more of an orchestral album in terms of how the classical instruments are used. This is not something new for Lacrimosa, as something alike was already heard on the album Echoes, though in a different manner. So, when you are in the compositional process, how much do you consider your past albums?
Tilo Wolff: Not at all, because the past is the past and I don't want to walk into the future looking backwards. I build upon the past, the previous albums, but only in the sense of having them in my heart as a treasure that no one can take from me.
Tomaz: For the song "Celebrate The Darkness", you even did a beautiful lyric video, which, if I'm not mistaken, is your first official lyric video. How come only now for this kind of video has been very popular for quite some time already?
Tilo Wolff: I don't watch many lyric videos because I find most of them - sorry - just boring. But, here we had this idea that told its own little story by presenting a beautiful atmosphere to make this song visual.
Tomaz: The production of the album is slightly different. Tell me more about the recording process, and what was the main goal to reach with the sound of this album? Here and there, especially when it comes to lead guitars, as if you wanted to make it sound more "hard rock", in a way?
Tilo Wolff: Well, not hard rock since I don't think much in these categories, but I wanted to have this velvety, comforting mood intersected by cold steel and framed by solid, dark wood. Of course, recording during this pandemic was sometimes quite a challenge, and many recordings had to be postponed, which was the reason why this album didn't come out in 2020, which was the original idea, but I am very happy that the production came out as I wanted it after all.
Tomaz: 2021 marked 30 years since the release of your debut album Angst. I expected there would be some commemoration or something regarding it? And, how do you look now at that album?
Tilo Wolff: I am not a big fan of these revival ideas. The idea behind these things is a classical idea of the music industry. They think about how to make more money out of something that already exists. And then they pick out a hit album and say: let's celebrate this one. I neither have the motivation nor the time to do such a crap. Come on, all the albums exist, and whoever wants to celebrate an album is free to do so. I don't need a record company or the artists to tell me which album to celebrate. I want to make new music, which takes time and effort, therefore, I concentrate on the future rather than the past! And about how I look upon this album, well, it is the foundation stone of Lacrimosa. I am happy about this album every day, and I love every single part of it! So, I celebrate this album, in fact, every day!
Tomaz: I won't ask you where do you see yourself and Lacrimosa 30 years from now, but still, what are your plans for the next, let's say, ten years or so?
Tilo Wolff: I don't make long-term plans. I am old and wise enough not to do so. Look at the pandemic and now the war. Things change. I don't want to limitate myself to any plan and expectation which would take away the freedom of living in the world that stretches out in front of me every new day!
Tomaz: Lacrimosa is a perfect example that the band can be independent, even from the beginning and yet reach cult status. All your releases went via your label Hall Of Sermon, which is rare. Have you ever got a proposal that made you think twice?
Tilo Wolff: Yes, many times. I always wanted to be a musician, but in reality, I'm at the office 90% of my time. Sometimes I don't find time to make music for several weeks, which I hate. Therefore I was always hoping to find a label willing to work in my way of taking care of Lacrimosa, but this label seems not to exist. Therefore I have refused every offer so far.
Tomaz: In these Covid-19 pandemic times, almost every artist/musician faces a difficult time. How do you keep going in this regard? I guess you got many live shows or tours cancelled or postponed also?
Tilo Wolff: Yes, our entire tour plans had to be cancelled, and we are trying our best to keep our heads above the water, also in terms of the new workflow. Nowadays, you need three different approaches to reach one aim. It is not so funny, but not only do we musicians have hard times, the entire world is suffering and will be suffering for a very long time to come!
Tomaz: In 2020, your other band, SnakeSkin, released an amazing album - Medusa's Spell, the last year's winner of Terra Relicta Dark Music Awards. Are you already making something new with the SnakeSkin project?
Tilo Wolff: I started but haven't yet found the time to continue, but the story will continue!
Tomaz: Thank you very much for taking your time to answer these questions. I hope that you had at least some fun answering them. What can you tell us at the end? Any message you would like to give to our readers and your fans?
Tilo Wolff: In fact, we are talking right now about some concerts in Germany and Belgium this year, but I can't say yet if this will take place. But if it will, it would be great to see some of you again, watch you in the eyes and share the music and the emotions with you. I would love it!
Lacrimosa discography:
Angst (1991)
Einsamkeit (1992)
Satura (1993)
Inferno (1995)
Stille (1997)
Elodia (1999)
Fassade (2001)
Echos (2003)
Lichtgestalt (2005)
Sehnsucht (2009)
Revolution (2012)
Hoffnung (2015)
Testimonium (2017)
Leidenschaft (2021)
Lacrimosa links: Official website, Facebook, Twitter, Hall Of Sermon