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Terra Relicta Webmagazazine has teamed up with one of the biggest dark ambient labels of today, Cryo Chamber, and we prepared for you a contest where you could win Atrium Carceri's latest album Metropolis which was released in June this year!!!
In a review we described it as: "Metropolis is one of those climaxes of everything taged dark ambient. With such compositions where the attention for details is essential, where subtle layers offer an otherworldy experience, yet everything is well produced and comes with a very nice artwork and just calls for many repetitions. Metropolis is a prime example how to make dark ambient music flowing and melodic, strenuous and adventurous, strong, lush and emotional, almost solemn in its very essence." (read the whole review over HERE)
All you had to to was to answer to an easy question: Give us a name of one Hollywood movie which features Atrium Carceri's music? The right answer is: DELIVER US FROM EVIL
Among all the correct and regular answers we have choosen the winner by a draw on 13th August.
And the winner is: Chris Monserez CONGRATULATIONS!!!
The contest started on Wednesday, 29th July 2015 and ended on Wednesday, 12th August 2015. Among all the right answers (254!!) we have selected the winner by a draw on Friday, 13th August 2015. The winner will be informed by an e-mail.