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Terra Relicta dark music web magazine and radio are pleased to present a new compilation - password: darkwave27. Its 27 tracks are over two hours of pure darkwave satisfaction!
Apathia Records is proud to announce the signing of the Hungarian post metallers Perihelion. Their second album named Zeng will be released on 19th October and will contain eight tracks for approximately 34 minutes of music. The band was founded in 2012 out of the ashes of Neokhrome. Perihelion delivers a truly unique avantgarde post metal, with heavy melodies at the borders of post-rock and black metal, and a clean singing with hungarian-only lyrics. Below you can get a taste of how Perihelion sounds alike with the video for the track "Nap fele néz", which is taken from bands last EP released in 2014. Video was directed by Costin Chioreanu. Link