After a creative break of about three years, German gothic rock act Cradle Of Haze released its 15th studio album, Fairytales.

Some things are different. While the lyrics on the previous albums were mostly in German, now, on this 19-track album, they are all in English. The style of the songs has also developed from the previous gothic rock with a strong tendency towards so-called Neue Deutsche Härte (NDH) to gothic rock as the main genre, but somewhat more moderate, melodic, lighter and more mature. The bandwidth of different musical styles ranges from fragments of medieval rock and alternative rock to a reference to symphonic rock/metal and much more.

While the album starts quite rock-heavy with fast beats and heavy guitars, the whole thing becomes somewhat calmer and more moderate towards the end, taking the listener on a journey through fairyland. Despite this change, it is clear who wrote the album. As a small surprise, there are also interpretations of songs from the repertoire of the sister project, Inception Of Eternity, on this album.

The album was written, composed and recorded entirely by mastermind Thorsten Eligehausen. The album was mixed and mastered in the in-house sound lab and released via the band's label darkSIGN-Records. Link