New Hampshire (USA)-based electro-rock/synth-pop act Delusive Relics released a brand new EP Mycelium. Mycelium delves into the mystical world of fairy rings - those captivating natural formations spawned by underground fungal networks. These networks, predominantly led by species like Marasmius oreades, extend outward from a central point, nourishing themselves with organic matter as they sprawl. Their expansion yields nutrients, prompting lush grass growth along the network's periphery, fashioning the signature ring shape.

In folklore and myth, fairy rings are often ascribed to the whims of fairies, elves, and other fantastical beings, hence their evocative name. Across diverse cultures, these rings are steeped in notions of magic, enchantment, and spiritual import, serving as the muse for countless legends.

In the EP's final track,  "Mycelium", Delusive Relics collaborates with Juls Garat from Pilgrims Of Yearning. Delusive Relics describe their music as a culmination of genres such as synth-pop, industrial, EBM and electronic rock. They are inspired by artists such as Depeche Mode, Massive Attack, Nine Inch Nails and Gary Numan. The entire new EP is available for streaming. Link