Spider of Pnyx, the enigmatic mastermind behind the Greek black metal project Fell Omen, proudly announces the release of his debut album, Invaded By A Dark Spirit, arriving on 14 February via True Cult Records. Fell Omen has also unveiled the first single/video, "Dungeon Metal Punks Besieging Digital Castles".

The album marks Spider of Pnyx's first official foray into the metal world under the Fell Omen moniker, following an illustrious career in anonymous black metal, dungeon synth, and martial industrial soundscapes.

Known for collaborations on Mystras' celebrated records and Spectral Lore's latest full-length, Spider of Pnyx brings a wealth of experience to Invaded By A Dark Spirit. Beyond the studio, he has captivated audiences with live performances in dark ambient, neofolk, and noise. The artist is (as Gilded Panoply) also known for his cover art of black metal and dungeon synth bands.

Recorded and mixed at True Cult Records HQ and mastered at Nidstang Studio, the Invaded By A Dark Spirit album is a tour de force of multi-instrumental brilliance. Spider of Pnyx handles every aspect of the music, from vocals and guitars to hurdy-gurdy and drum machines, crafting a seamless blend of medieval fantasy, dark atmospheres, and a fiery mix of metal aggression with punk attitude. Invaded By A Dark Spirit will be available on vinyl, cassette, and digital formats. Link