There must be some truth to the proverb "the condemned live longer", given that the German industrial rockers Jesus On Extasy (JoE) have recently returned from a prolonged hiatus that lasted several years. Now signed to Metropolis Records and touting a new single, "Days Gone By", that sparkles despite its dark tone, it marks the beginning of a fresh chapter for a group that is now more motivated than ever.

"The long break was necessary to help me realise who I am, what I want and how I want to continue walking the path as JoE in the future", explains singer and band founder Dorian Deveraux. "Our music is going to be harder, uncompromising and, most importantly, more authentic."

In early 2020 - of all years - founder members (and brothers) Dorian and Chai Deveraux decided to revive the group. But, as with so many other music acts, the seemingly never-ending pandemic threw some wrenches into the works. Live shows were impossible, as was meeting up in the recording studio. It was a period that took its toll, physically and mentally. "I spent about three months in total isolation, aside from Zoom calls or text messages", says Dorian. "This is why some of the lyrics in our new material focus on the topic of isolation or depression, as they reflect the downward spiral I had found myself in at that time."

The eventual departure of Chai, Dorian's musical foil, from the band in early 2024 was another blow, but giving up was never an option. "Days  Gone By" now acts as a diary, therapy and drastic contrast to the band's earlier work. Songs of heartbreak are now replaced by nihilism and despair, any glimmers of hope wiped away in an instant like a promise written in water.

Dorian has Jesus On Extasy's goals laid out: "Release music, get back on stage as soon as possible and be the best possible iteration of Jesus On Extasy. I just want to play our music and stay true to my vision of the band this time around". Link