Today, Raskolnikov released its third album, Gorgon'Zola, through Manic Depression Records and Icy Cold Records, on CD, vinyl and digitally. The Franco-Hispanic-Swiss trio presents eight tracks in the same universe as its previous opus, that of exaltation and melancholy, between postpunk and shoegaze.

Gorgon'Zola - the title of the album - a play on words including gorgons, furies of the underworld, terrorising mortals and heralding the end of times, war and disease, as well as the name of the French writer and political journalist Émile Zola, famous for his literary work describing French society under the Second Empire and the title of his article on the Dreyfus affair, "J'accuse!"

Raskolnikov will be performing at concerts and festivals between 2025 and 2026 and is already preparing some news. Link