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Lacrimosa - Hoffnung (2015)

Band: Lacrimosa
Album title: Hoffnung
Release date: 6 November 2015
Label: Hall Of Sermon

The beautiful sonic architecture of gothic and symphonic metal, thy name is Lacrimosa. With celebrating 25 years of the formation of this wondrous and astonishing musical act, Hoffnung does not only get credit for being a celebratory album in a way, but also deserves all the praise for bringing yet again the mournful and profound soundscapes we all came to love and adore with albums such as Elodia, Fassade and Echos. Lacrimosa is one of the last few original, inspirational and quality bands from the golden days of gothic metal still standing proud and ongoing, as the duet of Tilo Wolff and Anne Nurmi keeps surprising, with how seemingly effortless they have stayed true to their well-established posture, but at the same time have always managed to expand their signature sound and breathe life into something new and mesmerizing.

Read a full review HERE