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Treha Sektori/Dehn Sora - The Sensation Of Being One Of Them [EP/Book] (2015)

Band: Treha Sektori (feat. Sam Vaney and Kristoffer Rygg)
Graphic artist: Dehn Sora
Album title: The Sensation Of Being One Of Them [EP/Book]
Release date: 15 September 2015
Label: Cyclic Law/Cyclic Press

French graphic designer and musician Dehn Sora (aka Treha Sektori), collaborates with Swiss composer Sam Vaney, aka Muhd (of Cortez fame), as well as Kristoffer Rygg from Ulver, who contributes vocals to "The Sense Of Dust And Sheer". The addition of these two musicians to the project really makes "The Sense Of Dust And Sheer" feel different from previous Treha Sektori tracks. We are still given the same ritualistic repetitions throughout this 25 minute piece. However, the dynamics of this release move Treha Sektori into a new level of musicianship and begins to transcend what was previously expected of a Treha Sektori release. The listener will find all the trademarks of Treha Sektori on this release, but you will also notice that there is a depth here, a deeply meditative quality is present, which adds to the more ritualistic elements we have grown to know and love from Treha Sektori. The rises and falls of intensity flow naturally, we are taken from paranoid whispers and dreamy synths to an almost tribal hammering of percussion. The harsher vocals in these sections fit perfectly, not only adding to the suspense and buildup of the tracks, but giving the listener a means of emotional release.

Read a full review HERE

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