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Hoshin - Path Of Dissolutions (2016)

Band: Hoshin
Album title: Path Of Dissolutions
Release date: 13 September 2016
Label: Cryo Chamber

This debut album by Hoshin is definitely a slow burner. But, once you get yourself entangled in this foggy world he has created, you will never want to leave. Hoshin, also known as Esylt, has an extremely subtle yet potent version of dark ambient. On Path Of Dissolutions he takes us on a tour of our planet. Wading through all the dilapidated structures, steaming past all the abandoned factories, we find ourselves on an Earth which is being, or has already been, torn apart. Hoshin has created an album in Path Of Dissolutions which could be played twenty times before some of the details jump out at the listener. The blend of subtlety and intricacy make for a really interesting album, one that can be played and replayed over and over without even really thinking about it.

Read a full review HERE