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Klimt 1918 - Sentimentale Jugend (2016)

Band: Klimt 1918
Album title: Sentimentale Jugend
Release date: 2 December 2016
Label: Prophecy Productions

Eight years after their seminal album, Just In Case We'll Never Meet Again (Soundtrack For The Cassette Generation), the Italian masters of indie/atmospheric rock return with an epochal epic double album named Sentimentale Jugend. Klimt 1918 brings forth in their songs kind of soothing warmth and embraces with staggering comfort. Sentimentale Jugend is divided into two parts, the first one named Sentimentale consists of nine songs that are a bit more moody, slow and longer than ten songs on its counterpart Jugend. Sentimentale Jugend is pure sonic satisfaction for everyone who is searching for something more in his music, whether be a special atmosphere, emotion, energy, special melody,... soul,... or anything that makes a difference between flat and deep music.

Read a full review HERE