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Steel Hook Prostheses - Calm Morbidity (2016)

Band: Steel Hook Prostheses
Album title: Calm Morbidity
Release date: 28 October 2016
Label: Malignant Records

Over the last few years, Steel Hook Prostheses has become one of the flagship projects on Malignant Records and continue to set the bar for death industrial music even higher. Steel Hook Prostheses latest album, Calm Morbidity, takes the listener on a journey through filthy torture chambers, decrepit sanitariums, and even into the depths of some psychotic serial killer's mind. Calm Morbidity takes no prisoners, starting off with a bang, the album keeps the tensions high throughout all ten tracks. In short, Calm Morbidity evokes all sorts of vile sensations and negative auras.  Steel Hook Prostheses don't let up on a single track, as the album progresses, we don't go further into the void so much as seeing it from all its various perspectives. There is no need for creating imaginary worlds, Steel Hook Prostheses seem to realize that our real world is horrific enough to suffice as a setting.

Read a full review HERE