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Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!

Isenordal - Shores Of Mourning (2017)

Band: Isenordal
Album title: Shores Of Mourning
Release date: 25 March 2017
Label: Self-Released (digital), Eternal Warfare Records (cassette), Pest Productions (CD)

Shores Of Mourning is pure example of how to make extreme dark art. Isenordal simply delivers a fantastic form of melancholic blackened music that goes through many variations, this is music for special moments, for special moods, it's an album with depth that needs listeners devotion to be grasped in everything that it offers in its almost 50 minutes of playing time. Of course Isenordal is far from being a typical black metal band, in their music there are several elements used which showcase in very high dynamics that this emotional blackened journey has to offer. Isenordal incorporates in a marvelous way beside black metal also some doom metal, neofolk, viking metal, so called "Cascadian" black metal and yet much more waiting to be discovered.

Read a full review HERE