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Dear Terra Relicta dark music web magazine and radio readers and listeners!

Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!



HAIL CONJURER - Sets Release Date For New Album And Reveals First Track

Finish Hail Conjurer has unleashed the first track, "Come Alive", from its upcoming sixth album, Earth Penetration, set for release on 23 September. Signal Rex will handle the cassette tape version, while Bestial Burst will handle the CD version.

Hail Conjurer is the sole province of prolific underground veteran Harri Kuokkanen, renowned for Hooded Menace, Ride For Revenge, and Horse Latitudes. Under the selfsame nom de plume Hail Conjurer, he creates ugly and idiosyncratic black metal born from ancient fires and dark desires, and since the band's birth in 2017, he's explored this unique muse across a grand total of five full-lengths, four demos, two splits, one collaborative album, and a digital single. Truly, Hail Conjurer is a dark and dank headspace like no other.

Always feverish in his creativity, Hail Conjurer returns to the album front with his sixth, Earth Penetration. Indeed earthy and penetrating - or perhaps virile (and vile) enough to actually penetrate the earth in a manner most sexual - Hail Conjurer here erects a murky-yet-spacey landscape of elevated crudity. For sure, the bass-heavy black metal that's the band's stock in trade is a doomy one, but not "doom" by strict definition; rather, ancient touchstones like the very earliest Samael, Goatlord, and especially Barathrum get minced and mangled with an auteur's touch. It's rude and ritualistic, mind-expanding and body-defiling, and the synth/organ-led spaces are alluringly creepy beyond compare. Sin and sensuality have a new definition with Earth Penetration. Link