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Dear Terra Relicta dark music web magazine and radio readers and listeners!

Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!



DSKNT - Debut Album Out In December, Unveils First Track

On 4th December the label Clavis Secretorvm will release the striking debut album of DSKNT, PhSPHR Entropy. DSKNT creates hermetic, opaque, experimental, polymorphic, and abstract black metal exclusively glorifying and worshiping the annihilation of all existence. With almost enviable ease, each of the six sinuous tracks comprising PhSPHR Entropy slither into existence and work their serpentine magick. Each one's a mountain to behold, with catacombs beneath stretching for miles, and every step submerged into its 42-minute depths proves ever more potent and poignant - and punishing, both physically and spiritually. 
DSKNT was officially born in 2013 as the audial subdivision of DSKNT Industry, which is involved in the arts via several ways, such as recording, music composition, and design creation. The main goal of this scission was to build up the noise-shaped personal face of mainman Asknt's implication in music creation. First revealed track named "Resurgence Of Primordial Void Aperture" can be heard in the player below. Link