Italian ensemble Camerata Mediolanense has unveiled a beautiful video for "Embryo Ventosa" - the first single from its upcoming album, Atalanta Fugiens (Atalante Fleeing), chalked up for release on 14 June through Auerbach Tonträger.

Camerata Mediolanense's composer, multi-instrumentalist, and choir vocalist Elena Previdi comments: "The first single 'Embryo Ventosa' is based on the first emblem in Atalanta Fugiens, which is an unusual book released in 1617 and written by the German medic Michael Maiert that joins together alchemy and music in an investigation of nature's secrets. In the womb of Boreas, the powerful North wind, an embryo grows, which, thanks to its multiple qualities, will surpass any heroic feat previously accomplished, if it manages to come to light. This is the element sulfur, spelled 'Sulphur', which in Maier's time had just been discovered on Sicily. However, the enormous positive potential of sulfur is balanced by the equally great risks linked to its toxicity. Thus, beneath a melodic line that is easily remembered, a modal complexity is hidden, which is only perceived when it triples and dialogues riskily with the ostinato percussion".

Camerata Mediolanense is one of these extremely rare musical gems that are hard to categorise. The Italians defy all expectations and transcend the usual conventions about formats, style, and how to generally compose and perform music.

With the sixth studio album, Atalanta Fugiens, Camerata Mediolanense returns to what might be dubbed its "classic style", which means a strong set of percussion from the rhythm section with light touches of the keyboards achieving a perfect balance with the soaring melodies performed by all vocalists consisting of the wonderful sopranos Carmen, Chiara, and Desirée in the lead as well as harmonious choirs.

The Italian ensemble's often rather martial rhythms are accompanied by high-impact melodies built on ancient scales. Two harpsichords, bass viola, the recurring presence of disturbing sounds, the unconventional manipulation of reverb and delay, plus the use of noise - all aim to create a sound that touches both the heavenly and the infernal.

Such carefully crafted music with a strong vocal focus perfectly reflects in the fascinating and well-researched lyrics. The album title Atalanta Fugiens refers to an eponymous volume released in 1617. Written by the German physician and alchemist Michael Maier, this emblem book contains 50 discourses with illustrations by Matthias Merian, each accompanied by an epigrammatic verse, prose, and a musical fugue.

Emblem books were popular in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. In this context, an "emblem" means allegorical illustrations with an accompanying explanatory text. After studying the enigmatic book for more than ten years, Camerata Mediolanense composed entirely new music for a selection of emblems (numbers 1, 7, 16, 25, 27, 32, 33, 36, 50) starting with the first and ending with the last. As a tribute to Maier, the ensemble also performed the original three-voice fugue of the final emblem.

Camerata Mediolanense was established in Milan, Italy, in 1994 as an ensemble which also gave the band its name, for it means a "group of chamber musicians from Milan" - using the ancient Latin name of the city. As a primus inter pares, classically educated composer - Elena Previdi has always written most of the music. She is also a much sought-after harpsichord player who regularly performs in the famous Teatro alla Scala in Milan. Not all ensemble members come from a classical background - mostly post-punk, wave and even traditional music.

With Atalanta Fugiens, Camerata Mediolanense carries the immense weight and strength of 30 years of creating a unique musical experience way up high to a new shining pinnacle. Link

Camerata Mediolanense - Atalanta Fugiens

Atalanta Fugiens tracklist:
01. Embryo Ventosa
02. Rosetum
03. Rupe Cava
04. Corallus
05. Hermaphroditus
06. Victor Quadrupedum
07. Mercurius
08. Arpie
09. Draco
10. Alta Venenoso