Following the success of their critically acclaimed collaborative single "Imposter," darkwave/synthpop artist Cuffed and Russian genre-bender Noangelss debuted the track's visually immersive video. Directed by Michael E Linn of the acclaimed visual team Muted Widows, the video explores themes of self-discovery, personal transformation, and the courage to reveal one's true self.
Filmed in a stark, industrial warehouse setting in downtown Los Angeles, the "Imposter" video is a visceral journey of shedding false identities and embracing authenticity. Of the process, Fortney noted: "We shot the video in a grungy warehouse in downtown LA, in my opinion, it's the perfect place to shoot a video for cuffed. I was truly blown away with what Micheal did with virtually nothing but a camera, some really talented performance artists and a camera".
"Imposter", which premiered on 22 September, has already made waves with its dark, synth-driven sound and emotionally raw lyrics. Find more about Cuffed, Noangelss and their "Imposter" HERE. Link
CUFFED & NOANGELSS - Share Video For "Imposter"
- Details
- Written by: Jerneja
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