Final Coil is counting down to its appearance at this year's Bloodstock Open Air festival with the staggered release of new videos. Two weeks ago, the band unveiled a live performance of "Scattered Dust" from its London launch show for the latest album, The World We Inherited. Now, Final Coil presents "The Growing Shadows", also recorded on that special night in the capital.

Final Coil's frontman Phil Stiles on "The Growing Shadows": "One of my favourite songs to play live, 'The Growing Shadows' is a simple enough piece based around the Swans' approach of repeating and augmenting a simple phrase until it becomes a punishing noise assault. It was written before the events of Jan 6th in the USA, but the lyrical theme was very much along those lines and now, I invariably have images of that baying mob assaulting Capitol Hill whenever we play the track. It feels like a fitting soundtrack for something so bleak. I am not, I'm sorry to say, particularly surprised that we've reached  this tipping point. The media and, particularly social media, have  created a cauldron of discontent and career politicians have really lent into this. They were warned, both in the UK and the USA, that to  constantly throw fuel on the flames of hate and division would rile up  large swathes of the population, but they did it anyway, cynically  believing they could control the forces they unleashed. This song was  supposed to be a warning, and instead it's become a memorial".

More about Final Coil's countdown is HERE. Link