Norwegian cult black metal now four-piece Trelldom, founded by the iconic vocalist Gaahl, presents "Between The World" as the first track from its fourth full-length and long-awaited successor to Til minne... (2007), the shadows..., due on 13 September through recently signed with Prophecy Productions.

Trelldom is, considering its forthcoming album, which includes Møster's unorthodox saxophone sounds, no longer shackled by the narrowest definition of black metal. The music on the shadows... remains dark and fierce while still growing out of its roots in the black past. Yet Kristian Eivind Espedal, aka Gaahl, has willed his band into becoming a far more layered beast and set it free to roam in an avant-garde dimension - with the dissonant sound sometimes turning towards the experimental. Instead of delivering a comfortable journey into nostalgia, Trelldom has challenged itself and thrown a gauntlet to all preconceptions with the shadows... Some will regard the fourth album as reckless, while others will note that it is fearless; nevertheless, both descriptions fit Gaahl and his collaborators well.

Trelldom has awakened from its slumber and the shadows... is a spirited manifesto for artistic freedom and a grand declaration of war against nostalgic stagnation. This album poses a challenge that states: love it or leave it! Link