Poland's industrial darkwave duo World, Interrupted has released its sophomore EP, When You See Me, Run, through Detriti Records.

The band combines cold, dark synthesizer sounds with deep electronic bass and strong female vocals, with the occasional distorted guitar, which results in unsettling yet emotional and energetic music with a dense atmosphere. The goal is to create music you can dance to with your eyes closed, deeply immersed in the sound.

The duo started jamming in 2020 and released its debut EP, Deception, Follow Me, in 2021. When You See Me, Run sees the band continue its journey of mixing darkwave aesthetics with modern EBM and industrial sounds and the duo's rock, metal and techno origins. Two songs have Polish lyrics, as the band tries to show its cultural heritage. The lyrics on the EP are a deep dive into personal experiences mixed with self-reflection.

Also, World, Interrupted has recently shared a video for the "Mirror" track. Link