Ukraine-based funeral doom act Fretting Obscurity has just released its sophomore full-length, Das Ungl​ü​ckliche Bewu​ß​tsein, via Bitume Records. The album draws inspiration from the tragic worldview of pre-Socratic and classical German philosophy.

Fretting Obscurity's new album consists of four songs that set the poetry of classic European authors to 50 minutes of music in a style of flowing, melodic funeral doom. The musical canvas is complemented by oppressive inserts of doom/death, black, and post-metal, creating an atmosphere of existential uncertainty, helplessness, abandonment, and dark despair. 

Fretting Obscurity is a one-man band from Kyiv (Ukraine) and released its debut album titled Flags In The Dust in 2018 via Endless Winter Records. The main influences come from bands such as Mournful Congregation, Evoken, Esoteric, Mourning Beloveth, Ophis, and Saturnus. Listen for yourself. Link