Multi-instrumentalist Leila Abdul-Rauf, acclaimed for her evocative and boundary-pushing soundscapes presents a video for “Summon”, the new single from her upcoming fifth album, Calls From A Seething Edge, which will come out on 11 October via Cyclic Law and Syrup Moose.

Leila Abdul-Rauf reveals: “Out of all of the songs, the opener ‘Summon’ relates most closely to the album title: I envisioned all of humanity, walking along a sharp-edged blade of indefinite length where on one side of it is the ‘safe’ concrete world of the known, and on the other side, a realm of death, infinity and the spiritual unknown, continuing to seethe and beckon to us. Sonically, ‘Summon’ picks up where Phantasiai left off and works almost like a blueprint for the whole album, showcasing a new creative direction and preparing the listener for what’s to come. Gregory’s multi-tracked viola swirls gracefully; Sam’s darbuka performance beautifully accents the rhythms during the climax, and Derrick’s masterful and contemplative guitar solo is the perfect closer to the song. I’m so grateful to have the contributions of such talented musicians.”

Leila Abdul-Rauf has been a key member in dozens of musical entities since the 1990s, including Vastum, Ionophore, Cardinal Wyrm, Fyrhtu, and more in recent years, preceded by time spent in Amber Asylum, Hammers Of Misfortune, Bastard Noise, Saros, and more. Over the past decade, she’s showcased her talents as a composer, multi-instrumentalist and vocalist through four varied solo efforts, each one more challenging than the last and venturing into new territory of sound and reaching new heights of creativity.

More album details and previously unveiled video/single "Crimes Of The Soul" can be found over HERE. Link