Italian post-punk act LDV (La Dolce Vita) has released its debut album, Confessions, via Mold Records.

Confessions is the result of a painful elaboration; it is a sort of anthology not strictly chronological that traces the various phases of the group's existence, from the remote origins to the reconstitution after a long break. It is a real journey through time that, alongside "historical" pieces, born in a cellar at the beginning of 1980 and given birth to a group of teenagers, presents new material, recently composed. From a strictly musical point of view, however, the album is imbued with sounds influenced by the musical climate and the sound experiments of post-punk and new wave, especially English, of the late '70s and the very early '80s. "Confessions", the song that opens the album and gives it its title, is one of the "historical" songs, among the first to be composed in that cellar in the early '80s. But it is also the lens through which to read the other songs, which are almost real "confessions" and an opportunity for the group to lay themselves bare. They are like the pages of an intimate diary that tell a very long time; "existential polaroids" that capture desires, emotions, ambitions and frustrations. Memories. Passions of an entire life.

LDV (La Dolce Vita) is a post-punk band formed in the early '80s in Udine, Italy. In 2022, the band released its debut EP, 1979, and now, Confessions. Link