NCT333, a Sicilian composer dedicated to electronic experimentation since the late 1990s, has shared the first track, "Devoid Of Intrinsic Existence", from his impending full-length, Sky Burial, due on 21 December via UKhan Records exclusively in digital format. In this work, NCT333 addresses the theme of detachment and separation, taking inspiration from the practice of the Tibetan sky burial, where it is customary to cut corpses into pieces and feed them to the vultures that frequent the mountain peaks in the area.

The symbolism of this macabre ritual refers to the idea that the deceased must no longer be tied by any constraints to this level of reality, and, in this way, their asceticism towards less conditioned states of existence is facilitated. In the same perspective, the spiritual practitioner, through a sometimes cruel process, attempts to detach, yet in life, from the affective, emotional, psychic and sentimental elements that can impede the ascetic intent.

This theme is represented through eight tracks in which sounds between ambient and industrial, with almost abstract and glitchy drifts, describe different phases of this process.

Stylistically, NCT333's new work is characterized by increasingly rarefied rhythmic parts and massive use of granulizers, which sabotages space-time references and assists in an active and conscious overcoming of the ordinary state of consciousness. Link