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Dear Terra Relicta dark music web magazine and radio readers and listeners!

Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!



MALACODA - Announces Final Album

Canadian gothic/dark metal unit Malacoda has announced a new album, Carpe Noctem, as the last one, and it will come out on 9 February.

"We believe it's a great release to end things on a high note for us. Those who came to our last show this past fall will have heard a couple of songs from this upcoming release as a sneak peek. We feel that we've done everything we've wanted to do with the band, and we've gone as far as we can in the ten years (whoa!) that we've been making music as Malacoda. It's time to put this project to rest and move on to other endeavours. We want to thank all the promoters, musicians, engineers, artists, family members and, of course, fans who've stuck by and supported us over the years. This last release is a celebration of our entire journey as artists, and we're glad to share it with you all. Til next we meet, - THE MALACODA GUYS". Link

Carpe Noctem tracklist:
01. Inverted Spires
02. Stalker
03. Undone (feat. Toni Hatakka of Hanging Garden)
04. Liminal Space
05. Back Masked
06. After Hours
07. Contrapasso
08. Hall of Shades
09. Pretender
10. Grime & Rainwater
11. The Sullen One

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