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Dear Terra Relicta dark music web magazine and radio readers and listeners!

Terra Relicta is upgrading to a modern and mobile-friendly website and will show off its new outfit in about a week. In the meantime, the current website will more or less stagnate. By the way, the radio is functioning as usual. Thank you for your understanding and patience, and soon - welcome to the new Terra Relicta!



Sadness - Somewhere Along Our Memory... (2016)

Band: Sadness
Album title: Somewhere Along Our Memory...
Release date: 7 December 2016
Label: Distant Voices

Somewhere Along Our Memory..., is taking you on a contemplative journey, like the title suggests, it opens sonic portals that allow the one who enters to explore his most deepest feelings, memories that allow the one to dream away. The album is like a story which you follow, it plays through with some kind of a blend of serene melancholy and always lurking darkness that occasionally boils over. Mostly based on atmospheric gloomy and murky guitar drones, captivating melodic passages, gloomy synths, acoustic passages, tender piano touches, sometimes it's decorated with shadowy angelic voices, the whole thing slowly and carefully drives towards its peak in the dramatic, cold and epic soundscapes of almost 20 minutes long dichotomic "When The First Snow Fell". Don't expect to find any extreme blast, neither any technical guitar riffs, this is pure emotion for people who are willing to embrace violent sadness in their hearts, it's melancholy transformed into sound.

Read a full review HERE

Saille – Gnosis (2017)

Band: Saille
Album title: Gnosis
Release date: 13 March 2017
Label: Code666

Gnosis is the fourth album from the Belgian symphonic black metallers Saille and the band  brings with this new offering pure fascination, it captures and hold one's attention from the beginning until the end of the journey. Gnosis is a concept album which explores the Promethean ideal along with its Luciferian counterpart. Each track is unique, bringing avant-garde elements mixed with pure black metal. The symphonic side blends just perfect. The shift that happens time to time in the flow of energy in the songs will not allow you to lose your attention over it. Lovers of Dimmu Borgir and Emperor can't let this masterpiece get unnoticed.

Read a full review HERE

Secrets Of The Moon - Sun (2015)

Band: Secrets Of The Moon
Album title: Sun
Release date: 4 December 2015
Label: Lupus Lounge/Prophecy Productions

Secrets Of The Moon never repeated what they did before, Sun is without doubt band's boldest and most intense album to date, while black metal is here more as a dogma, the post-metal, dark metal, progressive metal, gothic, doom and atmospheric metal took the lead. Songs are much more compact and structured than before, vocals are much more varied and almost clean all over. There's such an accurate songwriting, perfect performance and unbeliveable attention to every detail. Secrets Of The Moon is a band that is in constant evolution. Long live Secrets Of The Moon, metal scene needs bands like you are!

Read a full review HERE

Salvation AMP - Earth We Walk Upon (2015)

Band: Salvation AMP
Album title: Earth We Walk Upon
Release date: 18 April 2015
Label: Self-Released

It seldom happens that a record touches something very deep in you from the first second and thereafter keeps you entranced until the end. Such is the case with Earth We Walk Upon, the second album by Germany's Salvation AMP. Handling guitar as their muse, Salvation AMP summon alternative rock, dark-tinged classic rock and new wave elements through their music but nevertheless they're craftily diluted in a patented lift-off mix. Specifically in Earth We Walk Upon, they've broadened their sonic palette in a subtle way and, additionally, their outstanding harmonic interplay has been brought to the next level. Simply put: hair-rising rock with enjoyable touches of influential guitar-driven goth. Earth We Walk Upon is an emotional, filled, surrounding stringed beauty that will grow into a lifelong listening for you.

Read a full review HERE

Seigmen - Enola (2015)

Band: Seigmen
Album title: Enola
Release date: 13 April 2015
Label: Indie Recordings

Bittersweet melancholy, thy name is Seigmen. There is no darkness without light, no hatred without love and no grief without happiness; it's all just a liquid symbiosis. Our lives revolve around passing through them and that is just what Enola's story is about. A nothing less than brilliant comeback by the oh so missed, but never forgotten Norwegians, delivers ten songs which go beyond hypnotizing with a slightly modern tone, giving them a special flavour. Seigmen are not a static form of melancholy, they are forever changing, exploring the variety of it. Enola will make your deepest wounds bleed again, but it will also help to stop the bleeding. It will open your old wounds and awoke your deepest, most jet-black, buried feelings. But it will also help you process them. All you need is to let go; free your mind of the chains of everyday worries and let them penetrate your mind and intoxicate your bloodstream until you reach the point, where your mind dissociates from your body and liberates itself.

Read a full review HERE