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After the stunning album, Falling Back To Never, a true jewel inside the alternative dark music scene, released in October 2015, the Dutch masters of psychedelic/dark/indie/wave rock Born For Bliss are back with a new EP titled Falling Back. This is already the third EP linked to the album Falling Back To Never, the first one was titled Innocent and released in 2013, then the previous one, Better Than Me, was released in January this year. Now, the upcoming EP, Falling Back, will be out on 7th October via Echozone and it consists of five tracks; the album version of the title track, then a stunning cover of Led Zeppelin' track "Your Time Is Gonna Come". On this new EP you'll also find an impressive and epic remix version of the title song by All Hallows Eve which in some parts even recalls glory Fields Of The Nephilim days (Elysium). No surprise at all, since All Hallows Eve's mastermind is ex-Garden Of Delight, ex-House Of Usher guitarist Tom O'Connell. Then there's a track named "Dragon", a song that Born For Bliss mastermind Frank wrote during his time as guitarist of Clan Of Xymox. "Dragon" was previously only available as a 4-track demo, released on the album Between Living And Dreaming which came out in 2011 by Echozone. The last track is a remix of the cover of Led Zeppelin' track "Your Time Is Gonna Come", done again by Tom O'Connell.
We have teamed with Born For Bliss to give you an exclusive pre-release premiere of two tracks, the Led Zeppelin cover track "Your Time Is Gonna Come" and the amazing remix of "Falling Back" by All Hallows Eve. You can give a listen to the tracks in the player below.
Frank Weyzig was kind enough to answer the three questions we gave to him regarding this new EP...T.V.: This is already the third EP linked to your third full-lenght, Falling Back To Never, and I wonder if this is a teaser for something new, a new album maybe?
Frank: Ha, I wish I could answer that question with yes, but I’m not really sure when there will be a next Born For Bliss album. At the moment I’m really busy with putting new life in my Turmoil Music label and another project. If I will release something new, it most likely would be a new Vaselyne album first. I am writing a lot of new stuff lately but it’s not very structured and it’s just bits and pieces of guitar riffs, piano parts and some lyrics. When I have more time I will work these ideas out in my studio and then hopefully these ideas will evolve into new songs. Whether these will be Vaselyne or Born For Bliss songs is still unknown to me.
T.V.: The cover of Led Zeppelin' "Your Time Is Gonna Come" is really amazing. How was this idea born to make a cover of Led Zeppelin track, it's a thing that many other bands and artist rather avoid?
Frank: When I first learned to play guitar I was struggling with finding a style to pick up for playing and by the time that my guitar playing started to improve I got more interested in bands like Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. Becoming Jimmy Page or Richie Blackmore, that was the question, Of course my guitar playing would never reach that level. But my fascination for Led Zeppelin stayed forever and I did different cover versions of some of their songs just for fun. With Born For Bliss we used to play "Your Time is Gonna Come" during rehearsals, but we never played it live. So I thought it was a good idea to do my version as an extra on this EP.
T.V.: Tom O'Connell or better said his band, All Hallows Eve, did a fantastic job in mixing the two tracks, what an atmospheric gothic sound... How did it came to this collaboration?
Frank: Echozone introduced me to Tom to do the mastering for the Innocent EP and I really liked his approach. More so he could translate my thoughts and feel about the music perfectly into his mastered versions of my tracks. So I Asked Tom to also do the mastering for the Falling Back To Never album and the next two single EP’s... Tom really liked the songs and he wanted to do remixes for some of the album tracks. When he found out that I had done a Led Zeppelin cover as well, he didn’t have to think twice to do a remix for that one as well.
Short biography:Born For Bliss were formed in 1994 by legendary ex-Clan Of Xymox members Frank Weyzig and drummer Willem van Antwerpen. The third member of Born For Bliss is bassist Remco Helbers, known as an ex member of The Dreamside and live member of now defunct gothic rock legends Love Like Blood. Their debut album, Flowing With The Flu, came out in 1997. Two years later Born For Bliss completed the sophomore album Between Living & Dreaming, but due to some bad luck with the label the band went on more than ten years long hiatus and released this album in 2011, when the German label Echozone liked the idea to do a release of the long forgotten Born For Bliss treasure. After quite long hiatus the band was officially back in 2013 and subsequently released their before mentioned follow up EP Innocent. Now it seems that Born For Bliss are stronger than ever and regarding this new EP we can expect great things from them in the future. In 2015 the band released its third full-lenght masterpiece, Falling Back To Never, and after that the EP Better Than Me in January 2016. On 7th October the new EP, Falling Back will hit the stores! Frank Weyzig is also a part of the duo Vaselyne and runs his own label Turmoil Music.
I know that you all are already familiar with Born For Bliss, but if you haven't done it already we recommend you to read the interview with Frank Weyzig that we did one year ago, he revealed many interesting things in there (check the interview over HERE). The new EP Falling Back is available for pre-orders at this location. Some more details about the EP were previously posted over HERE.
Born For Bliss links: Official website, Facebook